Public Matters: San Francisco During the 1980s Through Janet Delaney’ Lens _ Old US Life


Public Matters centers primarily around the Latino community and Mission District during the 1980s, a rather tumultuous political period. Using a large format camera and color film, American photographer Janet Delaney took to the streets with San Francisco natives to capture them during community gatherings, like the annual Cinco de Mayo parade, during political rallies, like the Peace, Jobs, and Justice marches, or simply while lounging in front of their homes and businesses.

Public Matters captures the spirit of San Francisco during a period of high immigration and political strife, documenting the resilience and energy of the city’s communities.
Foxy Lady, 1983
Baby with Laotian Hat, 1983


Reserve Officers’ Training Corp, Cinco de Mayo Parade, 1983


Woman in Brown Suit, 1983


Dancers on Stage, 1984


Dog with Ribs, Mission at 18th Street, 1984


Masked Man Selling Newspapers, 24th Street, 1984


Movie Posters, Mission Street, 1984


Pawnshop, Mission Street, 1984


Virgin Mary in the Ice, 1984


Dominque DiPrima, on Stage, 1985


Man and Woman at Carnaval, 1985


Three Young Women, 1985


Two Young Teens, 1985


“Cookies not Contras”, Peace, Jobs and Justice Parade, 1986


AIDS Activists, First Martin Luther King Jr. Day Parade, 1986


Crowd Waiting, 1986


Mother and Daughter with Baby Carriage, at Peace, Jobs and Justice Parade, 1986


Mother and Daughters Behind Barricade, 1986


Socialism!, 1986


Watching the First Martin Luther King Jr. Day Parade, 1986


“I May Not Get There . . .” First Martin Luther King Jr. Day Parade, 1986


Three Contestants, 1988


(Photo © Janet Delaney)